Before & After

DryZone, LLC Before & After Photos

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PolyLevel Slab Leveling in Dover, DE

This slab settling in Dover, DE was in need of a lift! You can barely see where the hole was drilled to inject the PolyLevel! 


New Super Sump

This basement in Dover got a new Super Sump Pump!

Dover Basement

In Dover, the capital of Delaware, a homeowner had an issue with their basement, foundation, and drainage. 

Basement of Governor's Mansion Guest House Dover, DE

At the end of May, Manny Carrar contacted DryZone with a water leakage issue in their basement at the Governor's Mansion Guest House. To our surprise, DryZone also found uneven flooring in the basement. DryZone installed a TrimpleSafe Sump Pump, TrenchDrain, and IceGuard. Here is a before and after picture of the TripleSafe Sump Pump. 

Dover, DE PolyLevel Sidewalk & Driveway

In Dover, DE the sidewalk and driveway need to be injected with PolyLevel foam. This is the best solution for a quick and less expensive concrete raise. A lot of homeowners will have their concrete torn apart and replaced but that is very time-consuming and expensive. After the homeowners heard about PolyLevel foam they could not resist this option!