Drainage Problem
This is a dangerous situation for a homeowner. Do you know what your crawl space looks like? If not, have one of our DryZone team members come out to check your crawl space.

Flooding in Crawl Space
As you can see from the picture, the water in this picture is at a severely dangerous level.

Foundation Problem Alert!
If this picture reminds you of your crawl space then be sure to call DryZone about fixing your foundation problem.

Foundation Failure
As you can see in the image, the foundation is filled with water, mold, and rust. This water is unhealthy to be sitting in a crawl space. This causes rotting and mold to grow in one of the most important places of your home.

Access Well
This is a "before" picture of the well. As you can see there are sections where mold is growing on the wood, which can cause the wood to deteriorate.

Before DryZone Repairs Foundation
Here is a picture of the crawl space before our DryZone team repaired the foundation.

Rusted Foundation
The rusted on this unidentifiable object is causing an unhealthy problem in the crawl space.

Drainage Mat
The drainage mat was installed to keep the water out of the crawl space.

Everlast Crawl Space Door
This Everlast Crawl Space Door keeps out the cold air and warm air from leaking into the basement. As well as unwanted animals and insects.

SunHouse Access Well
The window well covers keep out leaves, weeds, dirt, mud, and rain. The bottom of the SunHouse prevents weeds from growing as well as keeping unwanted animals and insects out.

Domed Cover
The domed cover is used to keep insects, pests, and animals out of the crawl space. There are flat covers for the access well and domed covers. Here is a picture of the domed cover that DryZone installed for the Smyrna home.