Stair Step Crack
Stair-step cracking is one of the surest signs of foundation settlement and is very common in brick and concrete block walls. As the settlement house movement continues, vertical cracks may widen or become uneven as wall sections tilt away from each other, indicating more severe displacement.

Foundation Sinking
You can see her just how large the gap is between the foundation and home. The homeowners started noticing the floors were uneven.

Large Crack in Foundation
The Cracks in the foundation could be caused from a number of factors, only a trusted professional (like DryZonE) can identify the best way to fix those issues.

Unlevel Home
you can see just how much the home is sinking and needs to be stabilized.

The Solution
The Solution for this home was to install Helical Piers along the side of the home that is sinking. This home needed 7 in total. Now the home is secure and stable.