Old sump pump
This sump pump in the crawlspace was not sealed and had a flimsy discharge pipe. These are often overlooked and can contribute to moisture issues in the crawlspace. Sealing the top will keep the water inside the container, rather than letting it evaporate into the air. Using a heavy and sturdy discharge pipe prevents leaks and lasts a lot longer.

Standing water in the crawlspace sump pump container
There is usually a little water in the bottom of the sump pump container, otherwise the pump would run all the time. The couple of inches or water that sits in the bottom of the container will evaporate and add to the moisture in the air. This is why a sealed container on the sump pump is so important.

Sealed SmartSump system
Here you can see the sealed sump pump lid with a drainage pipe going into the side. There is also a strong discharge line going up and out of the house. These things will make the entire system work better and ultimately save you money on energy bills and replacement costs.

Opposite side of the pump, showing the full system
A full perimeter drainage system is great for any home, especially when the water comes into the crawlspace in several spots. This home will never have to worry about water just sitting in the crawlspace and spreading mold and odors. The filter sock around our Hydrolink pipe system keeps almost all the fine dirt out of the pipes.

Straight and sturdy pipe system
Here you can see the long and straight sections of drainage pipe. When there are no little dips and curves, water flows easier to the sump pump. This makes DryZone's system far superior to many that are on the market today.