Before the installation
This picture is before our crew got to clean out the debris, trash, and other nasty crawlspace junk. See the hanging insulation? That is a definite sign of heavy moisture.

More insulation hanging down
You can see just how dirty and nasty a crawlspace can get. The homeowner originally called to get some help with the mold issues he had in the house. After only 2 weeks of being gone on vacation he had a leather jacket, baseball cap, and various other things get ruined by mold in the hall closet.

About halfway done
This picture shows the drainage matting we use which goes under the CleanSpace vapor barrier. The matting provides added strength and insulation to the crawlspace liner.

Insulation has been removed
When your crawlspace insulation gets ruined my moisture, mold, and mildew it is time to remove it all together. The nice thing about a conditioned crawlspace is that it doesn't usually need insulation placed back in the floor boards. You are sealing out the reason for having insulation, although a proper insulation is often recommended in order to save energy and money on heating costs.

Wall liner and drainage matting
The wall liner is installed before the floor. This insures that the seams overlap for added strength.

Finished product
Once all the debris and trash is removed, all the plant life is pulled, all the insulation is gone, then the liner is installed. The finished vapor barrier will withstand almost any kind of normal wear and tear. The warranty is pretty big because we stand behind our products and our people.