Handing out the gifts
Each year DryZone gives gifts to the employees. A little sign of appreciation for a year of hard work.

Quality Assurance Heather Anderson reads her speech
Quality Assurance Manager, Heather Anderson reads a term paper she wrote while attending college. The paper was about an important relationship in her life. She wrote about our Call Center Manager Rob Roberts and how he makes her life at work much more enjoyable. She got an A on the paper.

Call Center Manager is our Employee of the Year
Heather Anderson awarding Rob Roberts as the Employee of the Year. Rob is one of the friendly voices you might get when you call to set an appointment or schedule a service call.

Systems Designer Derek McCarra poses with his new sweatshirt
Systems Designer Derek McCarra poses with his new DryZone sweatshirt. These shirts are a nice comfort when we is inspecting the wet crawlspaces of Delmarva

Marketing Coordinator Brad Wazlavek shows of new jacket
Marketing Coordinator Brad Wazlavek loves his new jacket.

Johnny and Grace handing out gifts
Senior Designer Johnny Scarborough and Future Owner Grace Anderson handing out gifts from Johnny and his lovely wife, Cindy, who was unable to attend.

Bill giving a toast
Owner Bill Anderson gives a toast about the time spent on the job and how much each employee is valued equally.

Johnny with his new watch
After several years with the company, DryZone likes to repay the time spent with us by giving back a little "time" of our own. Each watch was personally engraved.

Sam Wilson gives a lovely speech
Samantha Wilson is one of the newest members of Team DryZone but gave one of the sweetest speeches of the night. Many of the hardest toughguys in the room were seen dabbing there eyes with a tissue.

Gary and Lydia give thanks
Owners Gary and Lydia Lawson express thanks to each employee at the end of the evening. Every person is essential and they always make us feel appreciated.