Stains on the walls
Each concrete block is 8 inches high, which means the water in this crawlspace was almost 32" deep. That's close to three feet.

Stained piers
When the concrete support piers show this much stains it means that the water isn't draining quickly at all.

Pipe installation
Once the crawlspace is totally drained, we can begin installing drainage systems.

Sump pump added
Notice the clean corners in the pipe. The water flows much easier through our Hydrolink then any other system.

Clean corner connections
See how the pipe sits right up against the exterior wall. Why not stop the water at the source if you have the ability? Just makes sense not to install it anywhere else.

Straight section
Imagine all the water sitting under your home. Imagine the damage it causes...the smells....

Half way up the wall
We see a lot of 5 foot crawlspaces. Most people that have them installed when building their home want to have ease of access or storage space. How much ease or storage can there be with almost three feet of water in the way?