Barry and Jim
Barry Adkins, system design specialist, talking with Jim Weller about a few special projects that he had worked on lately.

Barry and Jim
Barry and Jim talk every Friday morning too on the Dan Gaffney Show.

Did you know...?
Did you know that we stream the show live online? This is what made the demonstrations even cooler!!!

Jim and Bill
Owner, Bill Anderson, talks with Jim about his recent birthday and a cool gadget that he received as a gift.

Jim and Bill
Jim and Bill talking about DryZone and Bill's next trip to Cancun... the real questions. Will be be flying or will he make the 3300 mile drive to Mexico.

Martin, Bill and Jim
We are about to being the demonstration of PolyLevel. We needed to make sure everyone had on their safety goggles!

Jim, Bill and Martin
Starting the mad science experiment.

Mixing the Chemicals
Here we are combining both solutions together to begin the reaction

Bill Mixes
After the 2 solutions are mixed Bill continued to mix until a reaction started.

Jim is impressed
Jim wanted to make sure he shared pictures of this cool event too!

It's Alive!
A reaction is starting

Within seconds
Quickly after we set the cup down the foam begins to expand and harden.

Experts only
This is truly a science, well really an art form! You need to be experienced and know what you are doing. Just little bit of this can have a big reaction. There is no going back if you use too much.

Feel the heat
The reaction causes the foam to heat up. Any one who is not experienced can actually case a fire. Just goes to show how important having an experienced contractor really is!

When it is fully hardened
After the PolyLevel has fully cured it is as hard as rock. This can take only a few minutes

Bill talks about our various application for this space age material and about our recent ability to raise parts of Delaware Route 1.

Hard enough to pick up
After only a few minutes the foam is able to be handled. This demonstrates who fast the cure time really is!

Hard to the touch
Jim touches the foam to see how it has set up.

Bill and Jim
Bill and Jim talk about applications and our free inspection of your home.

Wrapping up
Going until the final second. They were so excited about the demonstration that it took us right up to the top of the hour and the end of the show.