Moldy walls
water has clearly been flooding in this basement with their out-dated sump pump.

Removing more concrete
We make the drainage system just a little bigger in order to hold or water guards and drain more water

New drainage and Sump pump
Our drainage is actually a track that runs along the wall so the water can't get out the top but travels through it so things don't clog it up. Also we connect it right to the sump pump so you can be certain it will drain with our heavy duty smart pump.

not only did we install drainage but we also put in cleanspace so when water seeps under the wall the dampness stays behind the cleanspace and goes right into the perimeter drainage.

Add Cement
after we install drainage, sump pump, and clean space we then add cement back on top to keep the water in the drains.

Adding water proof walls
We offer several water proof wall paneling systems. This home owner chose to get our Basemnt To Beautiful wall system. Behind the wall is a panel that goes in first. The silver panel on the right is whats behind the out panels, it has foam insulation (won't grow mold), special slots for wires to run through, and steal studs which the walls mount to. It has small graphite particles throughout which better insulate it.

Basement To Beautiful with EverLast Walls
over top of the Basement To Beautiful wall panels is a nice bright white, EverLast wall panels. These panels are a cement board with vinyl finish so mold can't grow, they're hard to dent, and water won't damage them.