Crushing around the concrete
You can see how the wood is smashed and crushed under the weight of the home. If it was dry then it would be far more sturdy.
Closeup of the damaged wood
Those tiny shims are meant to raise the beams back to level. They are usually the first things to smash and break. The right way to do this is to use steel shims.
Uneven settling of the beams
This is just another example of why it is important to properly support the floor. What do you think it feels like walking right about this section? A trampoline? Could be right.
More broken shims
This house was littered with thin wood shims. Luckily, Derek was able to design a system of SmartJack support posts for proper crawlspace support. They are set to be installed in the near future.
Buyer Beware
When a professional company installs professional products, they don't look like something you can buy at the local hardware store. These dehumidifiers are nowhere near powerful enough to control the moisture in this house (almost 1500 square feet on the ground). It is meant for a smaller space in the house. With a proper system, these homeowners could've avoided a large wood replacement project.