Chimney breaking away from a Millington home
This picture shows just how bad it can be when a chimney leans away from the home. the cracks were around an inch wide at eye level, they got much worse towards the top.

Separation near the top of the chimney
As you can see, the cracks near the top of the chimney were much worse than the ones closer to the ground. This shows the inspector that the chimney is essentially falling away from the home and not just sinking.

Huge basement wall cracks
Most people would look at a crack like this and think that all hope is lost. DryZone can install a number of great solutions to fix these problems. Anything from helical piers to wall anchors, or even a combination of many products. Everything depends on the individual situation.

Showing the severity of the foundation cracks
These wall cracks were so bad that Derek could stick his fingers in them. Most of the time cracks are much smaller, so this elevates the importance of a proper fix.

Wall cracks around a main sewer line
The pressure created by the broken basement wall is strong enough to break the concrete blocks in half. What happens if the pressure squeezes on that sewer pipe and cracks it? That is a mess that no one should ever have to deal with.

Stains on the basement wall
When a DryZone inspector sees a stain pattern coming from a foundation crack it lets him know that there is also a leaky basement problem. These foundation settling problems have now created a place for ground water to enter the basement.

Cracks around major utilites
What happens if the wall cracks enough to effect the electrical panel on the wall? Would you be prepared to handle that crisis? Even if these cracks have been there for years, there is never a safe basement wall crack.