Christmas Adopt a Child
Wrapping of the gifts!

Christmas Adopt a Child
More wrapping of the gifs!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Wrapping supplies.

Christmas Adopt a Child

Christmas Adopt a Child

Christmas Adopt a Child
More gifts!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Tree filled with these gifts!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Our "Elves" Amber, Amanda and Robin!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Loading of the gifts!

Christmas Adopt a Child
We made it to the Church with the gifts.

Christmas Adopt a Child
The Church's beautiful Christmas Tree!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Channel 47 was on hand!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Channel 47 doing the interviews.

Christmas Adopt a Child
Anticipation of the dinner.

Christmas Adopt a Child
The Church is filling up with guests!

Christmas Adopt a Child
The Blessing of the food!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Dinner is served!

Christmas Adopt a Child
The Church was beautifully decorated.

Christmas Adopt a Child
A great meal!

Christmas Adopt a Child
Who is coming in to the Church?