One very happy homeowner
This happy Wilmington, Delaware, homeowner is glad to see the DryZone boys rolling up in the driveway. She finally gets to get her house fixed after a lot of headache and worry. I don't have to point out the crack, do I?

Excavating the exterior of the home
Project Foreman Kenny Sharpless is busy carefully digging up the ground in front of the damaged wall of this Wilmington, Delaware home. Most of the dirt is moved with our mini excavator and then the guys break out the shovels to get in close to the house. They need several feet of work area and it needs to be all the way down to the bottom of the wall. This machine is a huge help.

Heavy connections on the sections of pier
Helical piers are installed in sections which vary in length. What sets DryZone apart from other foundation repair companies is the strength of our connections. The pipe is designed to hold up under extreme pressures so it just makes sense to have a big beefy connection in the pier.

All lined up and ready for duty
All five piers are ready to capped off and the hole can be filled in. Now that these piers are in place the house will have the support it needs. No longer will the settling dirt effect the Wilmington, Delaware home's structural integrity.

Spacing of the helical piers in Wilmington
One of the most common questions a homeowner will ask is "what is the ball park figure on how many of these piers I'll need?" If you look at some of our other galleries you will see that the spacing is much closer on this house. Every little aspect of a foundation repair project is important. In this case the crack was so severe that more piers were needed in a tighter space. These solutions are engineered to work properly, it isn't just a lot of guess work. Had we installed less piers than what the specifications called for, the wall might not have been fixed. The experts at DryZone will make sure you get the best possible foundation repair results!