Huge water stains in this Easton, MD basement
The wet spot on the floor was pretty much always there, according to the Easton, Maryland homeowner. The dirty and rust colored stains on the wall are actually cracks that leak during storms. DryZone usually installs a few feet of CleanSpace liner on the walls when adding a drainage system to a basement. This prevents cracks like this from "jumping the drain" and spraying on the floor after installation.

Single pane windows are leaky and not energy efficient
These old windows are very common in homes that were built more than 30 years ago. They provide little to no energy savings, as they leak air almost as much as water. The frames rust and the glass in easily broken. Basement window technology has come a long way since those days.

Old sump pump
Most older homes have a small sump pit with a plastic pump. The top is open so that water will sit in the pit and stink up the whole house. It also adds a lot of humidity to the basement when the water evaporates. DryZone installs new, dependable sump pumps for the basement and crawl space that will keep your below-grade space dry all the time!

Close up on the old sump pump
Most sump pits will have a little water in the bottom before the pump kicks on. This is a result of float switches used. Many times the water level is too low to make the pump switch on and you are left with a dangerous and smelly hole filled with water. What happens is a pet gets into the pit, or worse, a small child?

Water stains coming from the window frames in the basement of MD home
The stains on the wall of this MD basement are clear evidence that the windows are leaking. Most basement windows are below ground and have a metal shroud around them that acts like a funnel for rain water and mud. This window is a little more at ground level, but still gets very leaky.

Navigating around an oil tank
These old oil tanks are huge, heavy, and hard to move. The best way to complete the DryTrak system like the one in this picture is to build around them. Since the entire DryTrak drainage system is leak tested, our crew knows that this Maryland basement will not have a problem when it rains.

A new energy-efficient basement window
The Everlast basement window you see here, installed in this Maryland home, is made of heavy, double-pane glass. The frame is vinyl so that is won't rust like the old window frame. The entire window is sealed with caulk. Before any of that happens, one of DryZone's inspectors actually measures each window individually so they fit like a glove.

Brand new SuperSump installed in MD house
This SuperSump sump pump system is sealed at the top to prevent vapor from sneaking out and stinking up the whole basement. It also houses a quality pump made of cast iron and stainless steel. With minimal maintenance this pump will last these Maryland homeowners for many, many years.

Finishing off around the oil tank
Filling the space under and around the tank with stone will add a little style to the area. It also helps to add a little substance to the small sections of DryTrak. In case someone accidentally kicks the plastic, that stone should help to absorb some of the impact.

New hoses for the clothes washer in this MD home
The most common appliance to fail in a home is the washer. It gets used a lot and comes with some of the most flimsy hoses available, doesn't make a lot of sense. These new FloodCheck hoses, installed in this Maryland home, are a great way to upgrade the old water lines. They are sturdy and come with a huge warranty.

FloodCheck hoses for the washer
Every home should have a set of these to protect from accidental floods. Think of how often you use the washer and dryer, imagine how irritating it would be to come done and find the pipes broken. With a quality set of FloodCheck hoses you won't have to worry about that happening.