Cracks in the Drywall of Newark DE Home
Cracks like this in drywall are usually a sign of foundation problems. In this house, the heavy concrete slab floor was sinking into the ground. The walls are attached to the floor and were being pulled down unevenly. This caused the drywall to crack.

Crown Molding and Cracks in the Seams of the walls in Newark, DE
The floor was sagging so badly that it was twisting the walls, causing the seams to break in the drywall.

Diagonal cracks in the door jam in Newark, DE Home
Aside from cracks on windows and corners, door jams are a great place to sport drywall cracks. The frame will twist a little and can split the sheet rock. Once you get your slab fixed, the repairs are minor.

Buckling walls in Newark, Delaware Home
This photo is up close on the wall crack. It shows that the crack is popped out as well as separating. Its more of a 3 dimensional crack.

Slab Piers After Installation in Newark, DE
The dark spots are the slab piers after they have been installed. This home got 48 total piers, which is pretty much the entire house. Each section was carefully lifted and adjusted to try and bring the house back to level.

Fixing the entire room with slab piers in Newark, DE Home
The large spots are slab piers but the smaller holes are where grout and concrete were pumped under the floor to fill in the cavities. When the slab gets lifted there are voids left under the floor. Mudjacking is the term most often used to describe the process of pumping in a mixture of grout and concrete to fill in the gaps. Learn more about how floor cracks are repaired.