DryZone to the rescue!
DryZone crew arrives!

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
The dig out begins!

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
The dig out process.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Todd M. doing an excellent job with the excavator.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Installing the SentrySeal to the outside basement walls.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
SentrySeal being applied to the wall.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
SilverGlo waiting to be installed.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
SilverGlo being installed as the next layer.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Almost done.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Looking good!

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Now ready to restore the earth.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Almost done.

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Finish and clean up!

SentrySeal with SilverGlo
Final clean up of area.