Water Damage in Mardela Springs, MD
The water damage in the crawl space is starting to fill up every time it rains outside. The water leaks into the crawl space and forms puddles on the crawl space ground.

Crawl Space Drainage Mat
The drainage mat used in this crawl space goes on the floor of the crawl sapce to help control the flow of water.

Clean Space Crawl Space
This picture illustrates exactly what a crawl space looks like when DryZone is finished with production. What a difference! No more water damage!

Everlast Window
This is the Everlast window that closes off the crawl space, which eliminates hot or cold air from entering the crawl space.

TripleSafe Sump Pump
The TripleSafe sump pump has been installed to control the flow of water in the crawl space.