Messy Crawl Space Needs HELP!
The tangier crawl space does not have the proper products that it needs such as the wall liner, water drainage mat, and dehumidifier!

Old Insullation
The insulation in this crawl space is old and needs to be replaced. DryZone noticed the insulation in this crawl space that could no longer absorb the moisture in the air. Our DryZone team suggested a dehumidifier, which is what we did to help the homeowners with their moisture problem.

Falling Insulation
Insulation that falls from the top of the crawl space onto the floor of the area does not help with the moisture and debris issue. This causes mold to grow on the debris, wood, walls, and floor!

Finished Crawl Space
The crawl space underneath this Tangier, Virginia home is clean and ready to keep moisture and mold OUT!

Dehumidifier Installation
The installation of the dehumidifier helps control the moisture in the air, which prevents the mold from growing in the crawl space.

SunHouse Installment
A Sunhouse is a window well that has a bottom and a bright color to reflect more light into the basement. At the same time, the window is closed off, which prevents insects and unwanted animals from entering.

Finished Crawl Space
A crawl space with wall liners, drainage mat, and dehumidifier will prevent mold from growing because the area is dry and clean!