Pool Deck Concrete Separation
From this picture it is very clear that the concrete is not in the desired location. DryZone is going to use PolyLevel to solve this sinking issue.

Pool Deck Separation
From the pool to the pool deck there is a large separation, which causes many dangerous hazards for the homeowners while in and around the pool.

Pool Deck Repair
As you can see from the picture, the pool deck surrounding the pool is slowly starting to separate from the pool.

Sinking Pool Deck
The pool deck in this picture is has sunk to 2 inches below the desired level.

Fixed Pool Deck
After seeing the pool deck separation from the pool in the previous pictures, you can see how the PolyLevel helped move the concrete closer to the pool.

No More Separation!
DryZone used PolyLevel to raise the sinking slab to the desired level.

Completed Pool Deck
Say goodbye to stubbed toes and hello to summer fun! This pool deck is officially safe for summer pool parties. The PolyLevel