Large cracks in the basement walls
Even from a distance, the cracks in this basement wall and visible. What happens to create these cracks is the high pressure outside the wall is trying to fill the void in the basement. Nature always seeks a balance. The ironic thing is that a wall anchor uses the high pressure of the undisturbed ground to hold the walls up.

Easier to install than most foundation repair options
Wall anchors can be installed around heavy furniture. If you have something like a stone fireplace or large workbench attached to the basement wall, many times the anchors can be spaced around them. This homeowner got really lucky in that he didn't have to move the heavy furniture, our crew was able work around the obstacles.

Offsetting the wall plates
If the cracks are worse in one area, we can use the height of the wall to our advantage. Sometimes the wall anchor plates are placed slightly higher or lower than the previous one. This process allows for optimal effect on the damaged wall.

Corner placement of the wall anchors
The corner of a basement is sometimes the weakest point in the wall. For this reason we space the wall anchor plates about half the normal distance. This process adds strength to the otherwise weak corner.

Even spacing of the wall anchors
Over the course of the long basement wall then anchors are pretty evenly spaced. There is a distance in between the wall anchors that we never exceed. If we go over by even one inch it could make the wall anchors ineffective. This solution, like our other foundation repair products, are engineered to work. This process is much cheaper than rebuilding a basement wall.