Building and Empowering Experts thru ManagementU
When Supportworks challenged members from across the national network to rise up and become better leaders for their company and communities, DryZone was one of the first in line!
DryZone sent our leadership team: Martin Haro, Amy Brown and Todd Moran on a 10 month long training. During this training, they traveled to Omaha, Nebraska for onsite training twice. They read 6 challenging books, with over 1000 pages of life changing content. Our team members had course content to complete which helped apply what they learned right away within DryZone and Hello Garage of Delmarva. Throughout the course, our leadership team participated in bi-weekly live meetings with other leaders from across the network to discuss and deepen their understanding of the course content. From developing as leaders, to identifying the best team members to recruit and hire, to the best way to tackle challenging conversations, we have seen each team member grow and rise with each and every challenge.
In April, our team members graduated and received the treat of a lifetime! They, along with the other 120 graduates of the ManagementU program were given an opportunity to have a private lunch with John Maxwell, renowned leadership author and inspirational speaker. This program and DryZone’s commitment to our team member's participation is a testament to the integrity of our mission statement which is to build and empower experts. While this experience was for our leadership team, DryZone believes that each and every team member should aspire to be more each day than they were the day before. DryZone provides incredible training opportunities from individual training courses to hands-on learning in the field. If you are interested in growing and having a huge impact on your family and your community, DryZone is the company for you!