It's Hot, Its Sticky welcome to Delmarva
In the summertime the relative humidity will increase with the season, the mugginess you feel is high humidity in the air. Great, we know what it is so what do we do about it? Your crawlspace will bring air in from the foundation through the vents your contractor installed when you had your home built, that air will then rise in your home through a process known as the stack effect. Simply put, the hot air will rise to the attic and the cold air will sink into the crawlspace or basement. If the warm humid air from the outside is exposed to the cold air (or cold surfaces ie. Ducts and pipes) on the inside then condensation will begin to form.
If condensation forms on wood surfaces or other organic material, mold and mildew can begin to grow. When you have this growth a funny thing occurs, people in the structure will begin to have allergies, coughing and sneezing happen more often. Musty smells in the home can make you want to move from the home; however, the only problem is no one wants to buy a home with mold.
DryZone has ways to stop condensation from forming in your home, when our system is in your home you will not have those musty smells or odors. DryZone covers the entire shore from Delmar to Odessa and from Chestertown to Crisfield