How to Make YOUR Super Bowl Party the Best on the Block Next Year
The Super Bowl is over and we have about 360 days to plan our next get together! It doesn't matter who you are cheering for, the Super Bowl brings out the competitor in all of us! Cheering on the team, eating the snacks, rating the commercials, these things are all a part of the fun. Make your party even better next year by following these simple tips.
1. Snacks 
Football fans or no, everyone at your party will love to dive into the food. Use this time before the big day to plan your menu. Don't forget to cover all of the sweet and savory bases. And don't be afraid to go with a theme! Either follow your team colors or create a stadium of choices. Guests will be glad that you went the extra yardage!
2. Show your colors! 
The more team colors you use the more festive your party will feel! From napkins and tableware to pennants and dessert - the uses for YOUR team colors are limitless!!
3. Game Time! 
No, not THE game, I am talking about party games. Not everyone you invite will be into staring attentively at the television for the duration of your party, so think of diverse activities to include those guests. Maybe create a BINGO game using common Super Bowl phrases, or what about a nerf football knock down game? has so many ideas, it will take you a full year to sort through them all.
4. Make Space to Party
With a party like this, the crowds will be drawn to your home. But where will you host them all? Have you thought about Finishing your basement or garage to create THE perfect party environment, not just for the Super Bowl, but. for all big events throughout the year? There is square footage in your home just waiting to be converted into featured footage! Not only will your party be the toast of the town, but you will be making an investment in your home that will increase your home value! Don't just finish these spaces, finish them the RIGHT way with materials made to withstand the high humidity of both environments. Your best Super Bowl party is just a call away!