
September is National Preparedness Month

Severe Weather

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? There are so many ways that we can stay prepared all month long. DryZone is here to help a with a few helpful tips on staying prepared for a weather-related emergency. It all starts with your Emergency Action Plan. Here on Delmarva we experience many different kinds of weather related emergecies.

It is important to make an action plan. Make sure kids understand these plans as well. Having these written down and easily accessible will ensure everyone is on the same page. You can find resources online to create pocket or wallet sized action plans so that they are with you all the time. It is also wise to have a plan for different types of emergencies, like hurricanes, tornados, fires, and snow storms.

Make sure you and you family know how to contact each other in the event of an emergency and where to meet if you are separated. Collect all contact information and create extra copies. This should also be included in your action plan. A great tip is to use SMS text messaging during a major emergency. It takes up less bandwidth than a phone call, therefore you are more likely to get the message out if phone lines are tied up during an emergency. You can also use a group text message feature on your phone so that everyone is able to see all messages.

Where to meetKnow you escape routes. This might mean making sure you know how to get our of your home, business, or neighborhood. When picking a place to meet make sure that it is safe and familiar for all family members. Creating maps and practicing your route is a smart idea. You should also take into account your pets. When picking a meeting place check for animal-friendly places.

Do you know how to receive emergency alerts and warnings? Make sure all members of the household are able to get these alerts as well. You can use TV, Radio, and Social Media. Make sure to check the date and time when something was posted on social media, like Facebook and Twitter, you could be looking at old information. You can even sign up for email or text alerts.

Communication is key when developing a plan and then making sure that your emergency action plan is laid out and practiced. Emergencies can be scary and stressful but with careful and thoughtful planning, hopefully, some of those fears can be eliminated.